Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Where the Fight Begins

We see wars raging in pockets of the world, we hear of atrocities committed against our brothers and sisters in every country on this planet, we witness the lonely, the brokenhearted, and the sick stumble on despair's trail, ever etching it deeper and more deadly.

I have to wonder, where does it start? When we see injustice and sorrow, can we step in and help? Do we? 

I submit that the answers lie within each of us. We really don't have any control over what others do, nor should we, but we do have absolute power to control ourselves. So, who are you? What do you want to accomplish? Do you want happiness…peace? Find it in yourself, and then you are qualified to share it.

Sorry, there's no denying it; you…you can make a difference for good. If you want to, and if you act with purpose.

Is there anything more inspiring than a freedom fighter's song? A soldier's blood sacrifice? What are they dying for? Why are they sacrificing their lives? 

This passion for freedom bubbles in my blood--it fills me with incredible ennobling desire to stand and fight! 

We can all choose to give, and in our own way.

I don't want to fight my neighbor, nor one who would curse me and proclaim themselves to be my enemy. The fight is within. It's a struggle to be a pillar of positive thoughts, of pure actions, of heartfelt intent, a hand that pulls upward, a smile that heals a wound. 

"In fighting for me, I fight for you and your happiness, and in the battle I win my soul. I win peace. I win joy. Only I can claim it, only I can give it away." ~Amber Grey

Saturday, February 22, 2014

Why Amber Grey?

I've often been asked, what gave you the inspiration to write Amber Grey? And by many teenagers, how did you come up with these ideas?

Number one: I've always loved to write. I believe putting my thoughts onto paper can lead to a type of self-understanding, and a way to reconcile reality with imaginings.
Number two: I am a very idealistic person. I have strong beliefs and I act on them.
Number three: I LOVE to create! It's a real rush to experience an entire alternate reality in my head, and be able to share it with others!
Of course, there's much more to it than these three points, but they are the basics.

So, I asked myself, what can I write that can have a positive impact on the world? And the answers flooded clearly to my mind. Everyone has power. I define "power" as the ability to create change. Another perspective is that one may use power to prevent change.

All people are born with a gift, or a talent. I've heard many say that they, in fact, do not possess any sort of talent, and that's just not true. Everyone owns something special and unique, and all have the opportunity to find out what that is. Squash yourself, or enlighten yourself, the choice is yours…but your uniqueness is real. Some don't recognize their talents for what they are, and how they can be of benefit.

The trick is learning how to use our talents to create a positive change in the world. When you die, what will you leave behind? The choice is yours, and the time to build your memorial is now.

Amber Grey is born with obvious gifts. Very early in life, she learns that it is only through her deliberate choices that she can control the power she wields, and that she must learn to harness her emotions. She, through much struggle, learns to have power over self.

Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Amber's Message

"In fighting for me, I fight for you and your happiness, and in the battle I win my soul. I win peace. I win joy. Only I can claim it, only I can give it away." ~Amber Grey

Friday, February 14, 2014

Youth Empowerment Seminar

Following up with the recent western U.S. book tour, J. L. Coalwell is pleased to offer her empowerment seminars completely free of charge. In light of her tremendous success, she is dedicated to giving back.
Her passion lies in educating young people of their boundless potential to succeed using their God given freedoms and power of choice.
"True and lasting happiness is available to everyone, but can require us finding it over and over again! It's worth working for, and becomes second nature as we continually practice choosing it."
~J. L. Coalwell

Wednesday, February 12, 2014

YouTube videos

Exciting news!!! Soon to come--YouTube clips introducing J. L. Coalwell, the Amber Grey books, and the idealisms behind who Amber is and what she represents. Check this blog for links and release dates.