Thursday, July 28, 2011

a favorite quote from "calm before the storm"

". . . it is never the task of the oppressed to change for the oppressor . . . in other words, we live our lives giving mankind the best we have to offer, and if our best offends another, we cannot change it—nor should we. It is a part of us . . . it is what makes us who we are."

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

a happy thought

I love sharing my ideas and beliefs on the pages of books! It's like bits of my soul are plastered in print.

Tuesday, July 26, 2011


It seems that there is soooo much confusion in the publishing world—for writers, that is. No one wants to give writers a straight answer . . . why is that?? I feel so fortunate to have been blessed with an honest, straightforward, wonderful-to-work-with publisher—really can't say that enough!